Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Pse Sce Pg&e Commercial Lighting Rebates

Introducing IEE & Taking Demand Response To New Levels
Commercial Industrial Residential. (e.g.) – PSE&G tested TOU and critical peak pricing (CPP) - summer 2007 PG&E SmartMeter program highlights • 10 million meters, 5 year deployment underway • SmartRate pricing plan – mass market CPP ... Return Document
Puget Sound Energy HomePrint Energy Audit Incentive Program Interior Compendium of lighting activities underway at PG&E, SCE, SDG&E, ... Access This Document

Puget Sound Energy (PSE) is offering more than one million customers rebates towards the purchase of PU President Michael Peevey said PG&E, SCE and SDG&E must establish, within three business days, programs to allow customers to delay installation of ... Fetch Document
(PG&E) Andy Doeschot Phone: (415) 973-3707 Contact Puget Sound Energy directly for qualified product listings. ENERGY STAR qualified commercial refrigerators Southern California Edison (SCE) Marissa Barrera Phone: ... Visit Document

HID POWERBALL EL Utility Rebates
PG&E - Non-Residential Commercial Energy Efficiency Rebate Program Roseville Electric - Commercial Energy Efficiency Rebate Program SCE - Agricultural Efficiency Plus Program SCE 20–29 kW saved: $75/kW new; $ ... Fetch This Document
PG&E ~$25.0M; SCE-$49.6M; SDG&E-$10.2M grocers within Puget Sound Energy's electric service territory are eligible to receive incentives on high-efficiency ... Fetch Doc

For Commercial and Industrial (C&I) lighting, Southern California Edison uses an EUL of 18 years for its Low-Income Refrigerator Replacement measure which reflects the less frequent replacement cycle among low-income households. PSE&G 1997 Residential New Construction baseline study. ... Retrieve Content
Contact Puget Sound Energy directly for qualified E-mail: Commercial walk-in and reach-in Nicor Gas Energy Efficiency Program rebates are available to Nicor Gas commercial customers for the purchase and installation of ENERGY STAR qualified convection ovens ... Fetch Doc

National Perspective On Program Administration And Design Issues
PG E PS C O PSE PG & E SCE SDG&E S i e rra P a ci fi c 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 Annua l Ener gy S a v i n g s (G W h • Commercial lighting 1985-1998 • Manufactured housing Tiered consumer and contractor rebates for replacement and performance testing [Nevada Power, ... Return Doc

PG&E Non-Bay Area X California, SCE X California, SDGE X Idaho, Treasure Valley X Idaho, Magic Valley X Idaho, Far East X Puget Sound Energy 010113. Seattle Department of Lighting 010114. improvements in efficiency of electric energy use, rate incentives, and rebates. ... Access Document

New Jersey Clean Energy Collaborative
Prescriptive Lighting for Commercial Customers. 1992 EF Fixed 0.85 PG&E study by ENCON Mechanical & Nuclear Engineering, by Southern California Edison, August 8, 1997. Southern California Edison (SCE) ... Doc Retrieval

CFS_Incentive_guide - Scotsman Ice Systems
Arizona Smarter Greener Better Commercial Rebates Program Energy-efficient combination ovens (PG&E) Phone: (415) 973-7000 Platte River Power Authority (PRPA) Southern California Edison (SCE) Marissa Barrera Phone: (626) 302-0353 ... Access Content

Commercial And Industrial Retrofit Rebates: What Does It Take?
Commercial and Industrial Retrofit Rebates: What Does It Take? Les Tumidaj, programs offer lighting rebates that were less (in some cases significantly less) than those (PG&E/SDG&E/SCE and SMUD), ... Visit Document

Lighting Incentives Database - Lighting Energy Efficiency In ...
SCE SDG&E PG&E Philips Interest Rate Wallpack Up to $175 Bollards Lighting Controls Puget Sound Energy ... Access This Document
1/1/2011. 12/31/2012. 12/1/2012. 12/31/2012. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57 ... Access Content
Http:// In 2011, PG&E supported an assessment that provided a grocery customer with an Energy Southern California Edison (SCE) and Southern California SnoPUD and Puget Sound Energy ... Access Document

Electrical Efficiency Improvement Incentives And Rebates ...
PG&E Standard Performance Contracts Lighting Upgrades $0.05/kWh (1st yr svgs) SCE Standard Performance Contracts Lighting Upgrades $0.05/kWh Puget Sound Power Grants and Rebates custom varies 50% ... View Document

... Document Retrieval - Green Seal > Home
(PG&E) Andy Doeschot Phone: (415) 973-3707 Contact Puget Sound Energy directly for qualified product listings. ENERGY STAR qualified commercial refrigerators Southern California Edison (SCE) Marissa Barrera Phone: ... Doc Viewer
Southern California Edison ran a light commercial aerosol sealing program to address a lack of capacity in 2001. Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) Personal Lighting System Finelite's Personal Lighting System (PLS) Puget Sound Energy 425-456-2359 or ... Retrieve Content
The 2010 ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service (CFS) Program Guide provides an overview of utility-sponsored incentive programs for CA Southern California Edison (SCE) Marissa Barrera. Phone E-mail: CFS incentives: Puget Sound Energy is offering rebates the following ... Read Full Source

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