Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Xcel Energy Sce Sce Wisconsin Commercial Lighting

Southern California Edison Commercial TOU variations. General Service Large - Super Off-Peak (TOU-8-SOP) Xcel Energy Commercial/Industrial variations. Transmission Time of Day . Commercial/Industrial Schedule TT. ... Fetch Doc

Redding Electric - Residential and Commercial Energy Efficiency Rebate Program SCE - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program SMUD Xcel Energy (Electric and Gas) ... Content Retrieval

125 FERC ¶ 61,071 - Southwest Power Pool
Xcel requests that the Commission clarify that the proposed rule does not require a demand response (such as small commercial and residential DC Energy states that ARCs should provide verification of measurement equal to others in the same market and notes that all participants ... Get Doc

Rhode Island ENERGY STAR Lighting & Consumer Products Initiative www.powerofaction.com/ri Xcel Energy CO Retailers Colorado Xcel Energy Energy Star Retailer Incentive and the California Statewide Program, which includes Southern California Edison and San Diego Gas & Electric. ENERGY STAR ... Get Content Here

Rhode Island ENERGY STAR Lighting & Consumer Products Initiative which includes Southern California Edison and San Diego Gas & Electric. Wisconsin Focus on Energy WI DTE Energy MI VARIES-----Various local retailers QC ... Get Doc

EPA P2 Cost Calculator
Installed energy-efficient lighting and reduced lighting and air conditioning usage at two commercial buildings. Xcel Energy WindSource-0.67¢/kWh SCE&G Palmetto Clean Energy (PaCE) Santee Cooper: ... Get Document

Commercial Demo Unit Test of Powerspan ECO® Process. Xcel Energy 1.2 MW Wisconsin Low Wind Speed Turbine Project (LWST) Southern Carolina Electric & Gas Operator Excellence Program (OEP) Southern California Edison ... Retrieve Here

Subcommittee on Monopolies & Commercial Law; Southern California Edison Company; testimony concerning rate of return, Xcel Energy Services, Inc., TRANSLink Transmission Company, affidavit filed on behalf of IAMU, CMMPA, and MMUA concerning economic, ... View Doc

Southern California Edison http://www.sce.com/residential/rebates-savings/ Puget Sound Energy Energy Efficiency Services Commercial Rebate Manager PO Box 97034, EST-10W Bellevue, WA 98009-9734 Xcel Energy http://www.xcelenergy.com/ Connecticut ... Access Doc

SCE&G Palmetto Clean Energy (PaCE) Santee Cooper: installed energy-efficient lighting and reduced lighting, heating, and air conditioning usage at two commercial buildings. Xcel Energy WindSource-0.67¢/kWh Renewable Energy Trust ... Access Doc

US EPA P2 Cost Savings Calculator
Installed energy-efficient lighting and reduced lighting and air conditioning usage at two commercial buildings. Xcel Energy WindSource-0.67¢/kWh SCE&G Palmetto Clean Energy (PaCE) Santee Cooper: ... Return Doc

• Wisconsin Public Service • Xcel Energy $75 to $150 The 2011 ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service (CFS) Southern California Edison (SCE) Marissa Barrera Phone: (626) 633-3016 E-mail: Marissa.Barrera@sce.com For CFS testing and training: ... Visit Document

Xcel energy mn united states lisa dancel tradeshow coordinator fluke thermography wa wisconsin public service mi united states tom jobes dir, dist reliability aep oh southern california edison ca united states george lowry president cohesive information solutions ga ... Access This Document

... Document Retrieval - Green Seal > Home
• Wisconsin Public Service • Xcel Energy $75 to $150 Southern California Edison (SCE) Marissa Barrera Phone: (626) 633-3016 E-mail: Marissa.Barrera@sce.com 2011 ENERGY STAR® Commercial Food Service Incentive Guide Last Updated: March 2011 ... Read Full Source

Southern California Edison Examples of energy-efficient lighting measures in commercial, industrial, Commercial Lighting Protocol Complete Protocols Need to comment on how IFc is calculated and assessed through the evaluation. ... Access Document

ENERGY STAR lighting; Home Energy Performance; Green for Green Home Performance, High Efficiency A/C; High Eff Heat Pumps, Low Income. Small Comm: Watt Waters Lighting, Commercial A/C, Comm Heat Pump. Large C/I : Tera Tec and Energy Center of Wisconsin ... Content Retrieval

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1/1/2013. 12/31/2013. 10/1/2013. 10/31/2013. 1/1/2013. 12/31/2013. 10/1/2013. 10/31/2013. 12 7 3 0 2 0 0 0 0. 1/1/2013. 12/31/2013. 10/1/2013. 10/31/2013. 750. 207. 185. 175. 250. 200. 274 ... Return Document

PacifiCorp 2007 IRP - Volume 1 (5-30-07)
MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company IRP Commitments 19. Treatment of Customer and Investor Risks 24. Stochastic Risks 25. delays in commercial arrangements for Alaska North Slope natural gas pipeline development have escalated the potential for LNG market share gains to indefinitely delay ... Document Retrieval

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